How to create chart with TWO categories and one set of data?



One cata ategory is GROUP another category is DEPARTMENTS and the data looks
as under:

Dept Group Salary
=== ===== ====
Finance Engineers 25
Finance Engineers 40
Finance Engineers 60
HR Welder 18
HR Welder 15
HR Engineers 30
HR Engineers 35
HR Engineers 40

How can I create a CHART so that it shows the RANGE of salary per Department
per Group?
In other words in department Finance the Salary range of engineers is
between 25 and 60.

In department HR the salary range of Engineers is between 30 and 40

Del Cotter

How can I create a CHART so that it shows the RANGE of salary per
Department per Group? In other words in department Finance the Salary
range of engineers is between 25 and 60. In department HR the salary
range of Engineers is between 30 and 40

You need two Salary columns: the first is minimum salary. e.g. in
Finance the minimum salary for Engineers is 25; in HR the minimum salary
for Engineers is 30. The second salary column you need is the range.
e.g. in Finance the range for Engineers is 35; in HR the range for
Engineers is 10.
Min Range
Finance Engineers 25 35
HR Welder 15 3
HR Engineers 30 10

Now create a Stacked Column Chart that stacks the range on top of the
minimum, and format the minimum column so that it is invisible (no line
or area color)

Jon Peltier

You should be able to construct a pivot table to get the min and max, then
calculate the range.

- Jon

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