How to create a large file with ASP.Net



I'm trying to develop a webapp for an intranet application (meaning that
bandwidth isn't an issue) that creates a large file, which takes a while.
Basically the app runs about 8 stored procedures, dumps all of the output
into a file, and does a Response.Redirect to that file. This worked well
before when I was creating a much smaller file, but this process takes about
5 minutes to complete and creates about a 15mb file. Everything goes fine
for a while, but then IE pops up a login & password box, which is really
weird, but I think it basically gives up waiting for the page to load while
all of the stuff is running, and never makes it to the Response.Redirect.
The interesting thing is that if I check in the folder after about 5 minutes,
the file is there and complete. It's just a matter of getting IE (or
ASP.Net, I'm not sure which is timing out, but I have increased the
SessionState timeout to 20 min) to stop from timing out before the redirect
happens. Thanks.


The question is what's going on ... why is IE popping up a login dialog and
why am I not just able to put the Response.Redirect after all of the calls
to the stored procedure that write to the text file?

Or does someone have a better suggestion for how to generate a large file
that takes a while?


That really isn't an option since IE is used exclusively here. Everyone is
running the latest version, and I did try it on several machines.

Bruce Barker

the browser will not reliably wait this long for a response. use one of the
progressbar solutions (google this newgroup for progressbar).

-- bruce (

Russ Farris

Can you create the file and then email the user when it is finished being
created with a direct link to the file? We do this on internet application
we have for our maintenance downloads. The user requests the software and
then we bulid the download behind the scenes and then email them when it is


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