how to convert from Double to Int32



System.Convert.ToInt32() doesn't work the way that I want, as the function
rounds the double value to the nearest 32-bit integer. For example, for a
number 11.75, it returns 12, but I want 11 (the floor). Is there a function
in .NET to do this?

Michael Lang

System.Convert.ToInt32() doesn't work the way that I want, as the
function rounds the double value to the nearest 32-bit integer. For
example, for a number 11.75, it returns 12, but I want 11 (the floor).
Is there a function in .NET to do this?

The class System.Math has a static Floor method. The floor method takes
and returns a double, so you have to cast it to integer afterwards.

double myDouble = 11.75;
int myInt = (int)Math.Floor(myDouble);

Michael Lang

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