How to combine text and numbers in exel



Can anyone tell me how to combine text and numbers in the same cell so that
only the number is a value e.g. Fuel at 17 ltrs/hr This would be entered into
one cell but could be used as part of a formula where only the number 17 is

Harlan Grove

BG said:
Can anyone tell me how to combine text and numbers in the same cell so that
only the number is a value e.g. Fuel at 17 ltrs/hr This would be entered into
one cell but could be used as part of a formula where only the number 17 is

Try the number format

"Fuel at "0" ltrs/hr"

which will bracket the number value with the text "Fuel at " before
and " ltrs/hr" after.

Alternatively, if this were in a table, use a column heading like Fuel
Flow Rate (ltrs/hr). If it weren't a table, consider using a long
label in the cell to the left or right of the cell containing the

Rick Rothstein

I'm thinking your single example is not all encompassing as far as what you
really want; but, for the question you actually asked, you could Custom
Format the cell. Select the cell or cells you want to have "ltrs/hr" apply
to, click Format/Cells on the menu bar, select Custom from the Category list
and put this in the Type field...

0" ltrs/hr"

If you need decimal values, then decide on how many and put this (I'll
assume two decimal places) in the Type field instead...

0.00" ltrs/hr"

Rick Rothstein

Use Harlan's format pattern (I missed the "Fuel at " part of your question).

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