How to color pages of Multtipage



Coloring a Multipage control is a breeze: Multipage1.Backcolor=vbBlue
But does anyone know of a way to color the respective pages? The cod
below returns an error (in an attempt to color page1) and neither hav
I had any luck with a manual approach using the Properties Window.

Private Sub Userform1_Initialze()
MultiPage1.Pages(0).BackColor = vbBlue
End Sub



Barb Reinhardt


Your original message didn't come through the way I'm viewing the newsgroup. I had to select the link.

How to color pages of Multtipage


Coloring a Multipage control is a breeze: Multipage1.Backcolor=vbBlue. But does anyone know of a way to color the respective pages? The code below returns an error (in an attempt to color page1) and neither have I had any luck with a manual approach using the Properties Window.

Private Sub Userform1_Initialze()
MultiPage1.Pages(0).BackColor = vbBlue
End Sub



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