how to check More than one criteria and get the value



TL TM Aug Sep Oct
TL1 TM1 30 20 10
TL2 TM3 30 25 15
TL3 TM2 15 20 05

Hi Some one please help me
You can see the table this is just an example in sheet1 there is similar
table in sheet2. TL name if Team leaders(text column) TM Team member(text
column) they may repeat in diiferent teams. I want check if the person comes
the TL and what is his rating in the month AUG. That is Column 1 & 2 should
be checked and if it matches it should be pasted in the respective month of
the sheet2
I know i am quit confusing Please help me

Bernie Deitrick


I assumed that your short table is on Sheet1, in cells A1:E4, and that you have the same layout on
Sheet2. In cell C2 of Sheet2, use this formula


and copy to C2:E4 of sheet2.

MS Excel MVP

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