How to change default attachment save into temp folders?


small change

Using Outlook to read mail.
If I open an attachment ( *.doc, *.pdf etc) and forget to "save as" it gets
saved by default into the user name/local settings/temporary
internet/content/ alphabet jumble folders hierarchy. Even with "show hidden
files" checked, I am unable to locate these files by name using the search
function or through Windows Explorer. The only way I am able to find them
again is by opening a different document the same way ( email attachment,
open it, save dialog) and see what else is in the same folder.

1. is there a way to SEE what's in these folders
2. is there a way to change the default on saving ( without "save as") so
that it goes to a different folder that I can actually find
3. how do I do a search for these documents when the search function does
not bring them up and/or cannot see them in Explorer

thanks for any help

Penny S

Wesley Vogel

I do not use Outlook.

What about this...
Outlook | Tools | Options | File Locations

To see what's in Content.IE5.
Start | Run | Paste this in the box:

%homepath%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

Click OK.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


small change

Wesley said:
I do not use Outlook.

What about this...
Outlook | Tools | Options | File Locations

To see what's in Content.IE5.
Start | Run | Paste this in the box:

%homepath%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

Click OK.

Thanks, we'll check it out, also happens the same way with outlook express.

Wesley Vogel

Outlook Express, when saving attachments, defaults to the last place you
saved any.

Other wise OE defaults to C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\My

The location is in this registry key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{Your unique ID #}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook
Value Name: Save Attachment Path
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: the path to whatever folder, Desktop, etc.

If you still have XP SP1, there is still a bug that eats part of the path.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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