How to call a WCF web service


Andy B

I have created a WCF service project. I need to call some of the methods in
the service. How do you do this? I can't seem to find the class/object that
has the methods in it. Is there any how tos online on how to do this in

Mr. Arnold

Andy B said:
I have created a WCF service project. I need to call some of the methods in
the service. How do you do this? I can't seem to find the class/object that
has the methods in it. Is there any how tos online on how to do this in

Do you know what a Service Contract is about?

WCF is nothing that you can just pick-up and run with, without knowing who
is doing what and why it's doing it, to develop a WCF solution.

I just came off of a WCF solution as a contractor, didn't know jack about
it, but was able to stumble my way a little bit.

I am correcting that problem with ISBN 978-0-470-08984-2. I just came
through chapter 6 "Understanding and Programming WCF Contracts".

Since you on VS2008, there is this Service Factory: Modeling Edition, which
is free to install that implements itself in to VS IDE.

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