How to bind a checkbox in a datagrid to a database field (C# example required)


Johann Blake

Having spent the last 6 hours trying to figure out how to have a
checkbox in a datagrid bind to a field in a database, I'm not getting
anywhere. Virtually all of the postings in this newsgroup and several
others show the examples in VB.NET or show it adding a checkbox during
runtime with the checkbox being added as the first column. Here is
what I really want to do.

After adding a datagrid control to a web form, I then added several
bound columns although no data source is set. The data source gets set
at runtime. I also added a template column and it isn't the first
column in the grid and it is a checkbox column that is is to be
eventually bound to a boolean field in the database. I also set the
Data Binding for the checkbox to have the Checked property attached to
the DataItem.

At runtime, I retrieve a dataset and bind it to the datagrid. The
binding fails with an error "specified cast not valid". Not sure why.
The value returned from the database is a bit value, which I assume
should not be a problem for the Bind method to cast to a boolean,
which is what the Check property of the control expects.

What I did is actually correct. If I remove the data bindings on the
checkbox, the error won't occur, but neither will the checkbox be
bound, so I don't see the value of the field in the database.

Has anyone got a C# example that shows how to bind a checkbox to a
field in a database.

Johann Blake


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