How to AUTOMATICALLY complete an Excel array....



How to AUTOMATICALLY complete an Excel array (or matrix ?) from information
in the left column and top row; each cell to hold an incrementally changed
formula ?
That item/array/matrix is in the 13th sheet of a workbook whose other 12
sheets are monthly expenditures in categories.
The ITEM should be filled with pasted links from the totals in the 12 sheets
to create annual totals.
Thus the left column contains the links for total expenditures by category
for January
and the top row contains twelve links for totals in one category for each

I can (and have) set this up manually, but it seems to me that Excel should
be able to fill in the series automatically, expecially for the rows where
the only variable item in the link formula is the month name.

I am interested because this whole thing has to be redone for each new year.

If I had been able to I would have attached the workbook whose completion I

Roger Govier


I assume that the layout is identical on all sheets.
In which case, the headings in Column A of the Summary sheet are not
Enter in B2 of Summary
and copy across and down


Thanks Roger
The layout is the same for each of the 12 months, but obviously the name of
each sheet is different.
At this point it is not obvious to me that your solution will work, but I am
excited at the prospect that it might, and will most certainly report back
after I have tried it.
I anticipate that it will be a great breakthrough for me if it works.


When I paste that expression into the top left empty cell of the table,
'internet' appears in the cell, although the edit line still shows
=INDIRECT("'"&B$1&"'!B"&ROW()). If pasted anywhere else, '0.00' appears.
There is obviously a problem; #1. my ignorance; #2 the table does NOT start
at A1.
I thought I might help solve it by telling you that the first empty cell is
C3; The first three columns of row 2 are : =Jan!$B$4; =Jan!$C$4; =Jan!$D$4
and the first three rows of column B are : =Jan!$B$4; =Feb!$B$4; =Mar!$B$4
Could you please adapt your 'formula' to fit those details ?

Roger Govier


What I was assuming was the following

1 Jan Feb
2 Heading 1
3 Heading 2

Heading in this case will be the same Cost centre headings that appear on
all Sheets.
Sheets are assumed to be named Jan, Feb, Mar etc.

If they are not named that, just put in B1:M1 etc, the actual name of each
of your 12 sheets

Now, enter the formula I posted in cell B2 and copy across and down, and you
should see the information pulled from each sheet


Thanks again, Roger
Your assumption matches the layout of my totals SS, but not of the monthly
There the data does not start until row 6.
I originally entered your formula into C3 instead of B2 (shame on me !).
When I enter it into B2, there is obviously reproduction of content from
January's sheet but the fit is still not right because the monthly data
starts in row 6. Can you please tweak the formula to accomodate that fact ?
We are obviously making good progress. Thank you.


You have given me a formula that seems to relate back directly to every
total on every worksheet. But for that to work, surely you need to know where
those totals are on each monthly sheet (rather than the irrelevant
information I gave in my last post). The totals are in B4, C4, D4 etc. Can
you tweak your formula for me, taking that information into account ? My
efforts have failed.

I am now confident that your method will work and am grateful for being
shown that technique, but it DOES beg the question of a method to
autocomplete a table with reference to its own contents only. I had expected
to be shown how to partially or fully trigger autocompletion of the summary
function exists ?

Roger Govier


Send me your file directly, and I will take a look
To mail direct, send to
roger at technology4u dot co dot uk
Do the obvious with at and dot


Thank you. It is on its way.

Roger Govier said:

Send me your file directly, and I will take a look
To mail direct, send to
roger at technology4u dot co dot uk
Do the obvious with at and dot

Roger Govier

Hi Joe

File sorted and returned.
I hadn't appreciated that your data was going across the columns on the
Monthly sheets.

The solution (for the benefit of others) was to enter in cell B2
and copy down through cells B3:B25 and B28:B29
then copy across through columns C:M

Row 1 of the Data sheet held Month Names (Sheet names)

I also set up another sheet for you Joe, showing how you could enter all
data on a single sheet with Date, Amount and Heading and to be able to
produce a summary with a Pivot Table to report for the 12 months of the
year. Just another alternative


Peese said:
How to AUTOMATICALLY complete an Excel array (or matrix ?) from information
in the left column and top row; each cell to hold an incrementally changed
formula ?
That item/array/matrix is in the 13th sheet of a workbook whose other 12
sheets are monthly expenditures in categories.
The ITEM should be filled with pasted links from the totals in the 12 sheets
to create annual totals.
Thus the left column contains the links for total expenditures by category
for January
and the top row contains twelve links for totals in one category for each

I can (and have) set this up manually, but it seems to me that Excel should
be able to fill in the series automatically, expecially for the rows where
the only variable item in the link formula is the month name.

I am interested because this whole thing has to be redone for each new year.

If I had been able to I would have attached the workbook whose completion I


Roger Govier said:
Hi Joe

File sorted and returned.
I hadn't appreciated that your data was going across the columns on the
Monthly sheets.

The solution (for the benefit of others) was to enter in cell B2
and copy down through cells B3:B25 and B28:B29
then copy across through columns C:M

Row 1 of the Data sheet held Month Names (Sheet names)

I also set up another sheet for you Joe, showing how you could enter all
data on a single sheet with Date, Amount and Heading and to be able to
produce a summary with a Pivot Table to report for the 12 months of the
year. Just another alternative

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