How to add additional "Edit with" to right click




I have a question about adding additional program(s) to a file type (HTML in
this case) when right clicking the file.

Example, when I right click HTML files now, I can see a list of selections
for the file to be "edited" with registered HTML editors in the system, such
as Dreamweaver, HomeSite, and so on. And the "edit" link is for the default
editor - FrontPage.

However, I do have Word 2003 installed and wish to use it to edit HTML files
from time to time, and I wish to add the link similar to "Edit with Word
2003" when I right click the file, if possible.

Can anyone please tell me how to do this, if possible.

Thanks in advance.



Thanks so much for the information.

I did not notice or think of "Open with" as an alternative, and it is
already there including FP and Word along with others :)

I can use that as an alternative, but would still appreciate if anyone can
tell me how to add the link just for learning purpose, not a must since open
with can do the trick :)

Thanks again.



Thanks so much and I will go to the site for learning.

Take care and happy holidays.



This is an update for what has been done.

I went to the site and did what it has suggested, but it did not work.

However, I got some clues from the article and here is what I have modified
and apparently worked for me.

I went to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile\shell, and I saw some "edit with" keys

So I added a new key called "Edit with Word 2003" and followed the site's
instruction to add another key under it called "command" and in the default
value, I copied the location of Winword.exe file as C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Winword.exe and finally included a parameter
for which I have no idea of what is it but have seen all others have: %1

Strange enough is that all other applications' default values do come with
quotation marks (" ") for the location of the execution file and before the
parameter. I tried to copy the same way, but Word would give me an error
message when it tried to open the file.

If I took out the %1, no error message but some HTML page will not be
displayed and only a blank page.

So, I have to remove the quotation marks and retain the %1.

Anyway, many many thanks and hope the above can be shared with others also.

Alex Nichol

xfile said:
Example, when I right click HTML files now, I can see a list of selections
for the file to be "edited" with registered HTML editors in the system, such
as Dreamweaver, HomeSite, and so on. And the "edit" link is for the default
editor - FrontPage.

Go to Folder Options - File Types, look for the extension of interest,
highlight and click Advanced. There you can Add a new Action - call it
edit and browse to the program you want to use.

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