How my 2 .NET remoting app can communicate over internet



How can I connect my .NET app which use remoting to communicate over
internet, 2 instance of the same app? My app is already done using .NET
Remoting. I am wondering if to change them to WCF or just I can make them
communicate over the internet.


Mike9900 said:
How can I connect my .NET app which use remoting to communicate over
internet, 2 instance of the same app? My app is already done using .NET
Remoting. I am wondering if to change them to WCF or just I can make them
communicate over the internet.


I think you are confusing Remoting as a means for application to application
communication. Remoting is primarily meant for distributed computing and
should be used to layer an application so that tiers can be hosted on
application server(s). If you need to communicate among difference
applications, in theory this *can* be achived through remoting. A better fit
would be to use MSMQ if both applications are running on Windows as it will
guarantee message delivery.

However, if you already have code invested in Remoting, and would like to
leverage off that, then the database can be used as a means for Application
to Application communication (combined with polling or if using Sql Server
2005, event notification). I would not recommend a Singleton remoting
approach as a message distributor, as you cannot gurantee message delivery
and would have to build a lot of infrastructure that MSMQ already provides.

WCF is indeed a compelling choice since it unifies all of the message
protocols, but again, if you already have code invested in remoting, then the
above solution may be the way to go. Porting your remoting code to WCF may
not be a trivial task, depending of course, on the complexity of your code.

Hope I have helped.

Good luck!

Shailen Sukul
Ashlen Consulting Service P/L


Not necessarily. One of the goals of WCF was to unify all the various
protocols used in distributed computing. This covers Remoting, COM+, MSMQ and
Web Services. It is not easier to program using this technology, but it will
be easier to change underlying protocols, ONCE you have your application
running on that platform. So you could switch the end points of your
application without touching your code, for example.

Good luck!

Shailen Sukul
Ashlen Consulting Service P/L


So is WCF easier than MSMQ or other technologies to use as a mean to build
internet app, so that 2 app can communicate?


If I presume that you are already familiar with remoting and MSMQ, then I
would use MSMQ for your solution. This is the easiest way.

If you already have legacy remoting code and a database, then I would
implement a polling solution with database tables to pass data between
applications. In this way you are essentially building a queue between
applications (something MSMQ already provides).

If you are prepared to invest the time needed to understand WCF, then it is
the BEST solution because it is future proof., but the most time consuming.

In my experience, time is of the essence, so I would do it in MSMQ and then
migrate to WCF later down the track.

Hope I have helped.
Good luck!

Shailen Sukul
Ashlen Consulting Service P/L



You may see SocketPro at SocketPro supports two socket
connections for free. If you need to communicate two instances of same
applications, you can use SocketPro for free.

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