how much memory is enough for Vista?


Adam Albright

You're letting your pc tell you what to do?
You're weak!
Only my wife gets by with doing that to me. :)

Figures your wife wears the pants in your family. You're probably
pooping in adult sized pampers.

Adam Albright

No one is forced to use Vista, at least not by Microsoft.
Windows Vista does not tell me what to do nor stop me from doing what
I need, but it does help ensure I have more control than Windows XP.

You've been brainwashed. Vista demands you say please may I before
doing the same thing over and over and over again. It learns NOTHING
from past behavior. For software that's comprised of 50 million lines
of code, Vista is dumber than a box of rocks in HOW UAC has been
implemented. Shame on Microsoft for dumping this useless monstrosity
on a unsuspecting and unprepared public that does far more to
interfere with how you want to use YOUR computer than it does
"protecting" your computer.

Inexperienced users may think that is progress or "security". More
intelligent people know better and see Vista's UAC as a horrible nag,
worse than any mother-in-law.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"You've been brainwashed."
Not at all, but also not unexpected from those unwilling to learn.
Another of your typical responses that says NOTHING while your attacks
rage on.

Windows Vista does not interfere with me at all.
But then I spent my time learning how to use it while it seems you
spend your finding things wrong with you do not know.


Figures your wife wears the pants in your family. You're probably
pooping in adult sized pampers.

I think I've asked you this before, but how old are you? heh



Rich said:
I think I've asked you this before, but how old are you? heh


Sh*t, he has no idea, so don't even bother asking!
His brain, what ever there was of it, has been eaten up by all the booze
he's consumed.
He's the biggest nothing in this ng.
Pay no attention to him.

Lang Murphy

Russ said:
Trust me. Why are the MVP's ignoring my post?

They know the score, as does everyone else who was forced to use Vista.

I like Vista, I really do, but not when it stops me doing what I want to
do! Absolutely unacceptable for the end user!

I'm not sure what the issue here is... I have UAC enabled and it's not
intrusive as far as I'm concerned. It's less intrusive than the SU dlg's
that pop in nix distros that not only want your acknowledgement, but want
you to enter a password too. (Not knocking nix here... just pointing out,
from my POV, that UAC is not -that- intrusive...)

I have had, over the past 9 months, Vista installed on numerous different
Dell PC models... desktops, laptops... and I have never had a driver issue.
Not once. Am I saying no one has driver issues? Not all all... but to say
that -everyone-should expect to have driver issues is irresponsible, IMHO.


Steve Thackery

1G is enough, 2G is just right, more is unnecessary unless you use
particularly memory-hungry programs.


Adam Albright

"You've been brainwashed."
Not at all, but also not unexpected from those unwilling to learn.
Another of your typical responses that says NOTHING while your attacks
rage on.

Windows Vista does not interfere with me at all.
But then I spent my time learning how to use it while it seems you
spend your finding things wrong with you do not know.

Can you maybe try just once to make a post without some silly
reference to how clever you think you are?

Learn? I teach professionals buddy. <wink>

Bruce Chambers

Russ said:
No, I am the last person to complain.

Ah! If only that were true! But I've no doubt we'll see hundreds more
identical complaints from people who went out and upgraded to the newest
ans shiniest OS without taking even a moment to see if their older
hardware and applications were compatible.

If you buy a new mainstream PC, then you are.

That's utter nonsense, and no one is forced to buy any type of computer.

Most of my hardware didn't work with Vista. Even hardware bought less
than 6 months ago!

And whose fault is that? Perhaps the manufacturers of said hardware;
but certtainly yours, if you didn't take a few minutes to check
compatibility before choosing to purchase Vista.

Vista decides that that I can't run programs at startup.

No. You decide, once you've spent a few minutes learning to use the
new OS. Why blame a piece of software for your own inadequencies?

Vista decides that I can't delete or rename a folder that I created.

No. it doesn't. Learn to use the OS.

Vista decides to change explorer views, when I have told it to treat all
folders the same, with my settings.

So now Vista alice, and has a consciousness and will of its own? Don't
you realize how absolutely pathetic you sound?
It's endless.

True. Something that has no beginning can certainly have no end.
Trust me pal, I like the UI,....

How odd. I find the new UI to be virtual the least of Vista's
improvements, and would happily have done without it.
.... but Vista sucks.

An opinion shared by trolls, but by very few weho've actually learned
to use it.
If I
could, I would go back to XP or 2000. I am serious!

If you were serious, you'd already have done so. There's nothing to
stop you.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Bruce Chambers

Adam said:
Somebody EXPLAIN why they think Vista has a "steeper" learning curve.
Utter nonsense in my view.

It's not so much that Vista actually has a particularly steep learning
curve (it doesn't), it's just that what little learning curve exists is
apparently too steep for some people.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Can you maybe try just once to make a post without some silly..."
While your posts serve no purpose with the attacks removed.
You need to read your own posts and consider applying what you suggest
Your post attacking mine have NOTHING to help the OP and appear to
have no practical value.

Or is that what you teach?
Or is that more of your fantasy?
Tell us who they are so everyone can keep far away.

Bruce Chambers

Bruce said:
So now Vista alice, and has a consciousness and will of its own?
Don't you realize how absolutely pathetic you sound?

Ouch! Should have read "So now Vista is Alive...."


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Adam Albright

It's not so much that Vista actually has a particularly steep learning
curve (it doesn't), it's just that what little learning curve exists is
apparently too steep for some people.

You mean Frank and the six months it took him?


Adam Albright

"Can you maybe try just once to make a post without some silly..."
While your posts serve no purpose with the attacks removed.
You need to read your own posts and consider applying what you suggest

You remain a pompous windbag.
Your post attacking mine have NOTHING to help the OP and appear to
have no practical value.

I've never seen a single post from you that helped anybody. Nothing
but endless pontificating, self-praise and being a full time apologist
for Microsoft.

Stephan Rose

Hmmm, you need that much room for the multiple piles of dung? LOL

LOL! Vista does =)

2003 Yamaha R6



2GB seems to be fine on my system: I personally
would not use less than 1GB, My memory usage hovers around 50%.

The fact that your memory usage hovers around 50% is not an indication that
it requires 1GB to run. It is simply because Vista will make use of as much
RAM as it can to help speed up your system. Even on my 4GB system, usage is
at least 50% most of the time.

And loving it,

(e-mail address removed)
(Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me)

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