How many explorer.exe's?



I have another thread running here about a right-click problem I can't
get rid of. I was wondering if this could be directly related to my

About a year ago I upgraded from ME to WinXP Pro now SP1.

I did a machine search and I come up with 4 explorer.exe's, three with
a slightly different size and was wondering if this might be a

They are:
explorer.exe c:\windows 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$ 978KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\Driver Cache\i386 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\SericePackFiles\i386 981KB

Those are the four the search came up with. Does it look right or can
something be changed there?

As always, thanks for any replies!

Jim Macklin

That is normal.

| I have another thread running here about a right-click
problem I can't
| get rid of. I was wondering if this could be directly
related to my
| explorer.exe.
| About a year ago I upgraded from ME to WinXP Pro now SP1.
| I did a machine search and I come up with 4
explorer.exe's, three with
| a slightly different size and was wondering if this might
be a
| problem.
| They are:
| explorer.exe c:\windows
| explorer.exe c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$
| explorer.exe c:\windows\Driver Cache\i386
| explorer.exe c:\windows\SericePackFiles\i386
| Those are the four the search came up with. Does it look
right or can
| something be changed there?
| As always, thanks for any replies!

Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

Looks normal to me. And actually if you search hidden folders you'll find a
few more in c:windows\lastgood and c:windows\prefetch

Alex Nichol

forked said:
I have another thread running here about a right-click problem I can't
get rid of. I was wondering if this could be directly related to my

About a year ago I upgraded from ME to WinXP Pro now SP1.

I did a machine search and I come up with 4 explorer.exe's, three with
a slightly different size and was wondering if this might be a

They are:
explorer.exe c:\windows 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$ 978KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\Driver Cache\i386 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\SericePackFiles\i386 981KB

You have four different explorer windows open. Each gets a separate
process and data space, sharing code. Including space in each for the
bit map of the window - those might be about 600 x 400 pixels.

Alex Nichol

forked said:
I did a machine search and I come up with 4 explorer.exe's, three with
a slightly different size and was wondering if this might be a

They are:
explorer.exe c:\windows 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$ 978KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\Driver Cache\i386 973KB
explorer.exe c:\windows\SericePackFiles\i386 981KB

Sorry - for some reason I thought you were talking of running processes.

Those are:,

the one in windows is the one in use ;

one in the $NTUninstall folder of files that would be restored if you
uninstalled Service Pack one (if you do not intend to do so, you might
as well delete that folder)

one in ServicePackfiles which is the working backup of files that came
in the Service pack, and

one which I would not expect in Driver Cache. I am suspicious of it
and of the one in use being a different size - which does not match any
copy I see around here.

Check the 973 one by right click, Properties and see what version and
build it is, and what its modified date is.
I would suggest renaming to a different extension first that driver
cache one and then the windows one. That should then be replaced almost
instantly by the 981 K one; reboot to bring that 981 K one into use.

Steve Nielsen

Alex said:
Sorry - for some reason I thought you were talking of running processes.

Whew! When reading your other reply I was thinking what the heck is Alex


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