How many bytes are transferred from server to the page at postback?



Hi 2.0

I'm wonder how to see how many bytes are transferred from the server to the
browser window at each postback?

any suggestions?

Alexey Smirnov

Hi 2.0

I'm wonder how to see how many bytes are transferred from the server to the
browser window at each postback?

any suggestions?

A postback submits the content of the <form> back to the page itself.
It means when you have a webform with a textbox TextBox1 and a button
Button1 submits the name of controls (TextBox1, Button1) and
their values. Plus, hidden controls and their values such as
__EVENTTARGET and __VIEWSTATE and others (click on View Source in the
browser to see what hidden controls were generated by within
the <form> tag). So, the size of unecrypted Content-Type in bytes will
be the length of the following string sent to the server
TextBox1=test&Button1=Button1& __EVENTTARGET=&

You can see it very well if you install Fiddler from

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