How long did it take you to install/upgrade?



Here are my specs
3.2gz p4 2gb ram
drive c sata 160gb
drive e 400gb sata
drives F/G (1 drive 2 partions)30gb, 160gb

I tried clean installing on drive F
I went to bed at 12:30 this morning and when I woke up at 7 it was on the
2nd step and it said extracting files 87% I have a hard time believing this
is normal.

Richard Urban

28 minutes from start to finish for a clean install.

63 minutes for an upgrade install


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Here are my specs
3.2gz p4 2gb ram
drive c sata 160gb
drive e 400gb sata
drives F/G (1 drive 2 partions)30gb, 160gb

I tried clean installing on drive F
I went to bed at 12:30 this morning and when I woke up at 7 it was on the
2nd step and it said extracting files 87% I have a hard time believing
this is normal.

28 minutes on a clean install, 2 hrs 42 minutes on an upgrade from RC1. I
would say yours is not normal.

Mark D. VandenBerg

Rob said:
Here are my specs
3.2gz p4 2gb ram
drive c sata 160gb
drive e 400gb sata
drives F/G (1 drive 2 partions)30gb, 160gb

I tried clean installing on drive F
I went to bed at 12:30 this morning and when I woke up at 7 it was on the
2nd step and it said extracting files 87% I have a hard time believing
this is normal.

Just a wild guess, but it seems like a hardware issue. Did you load the
SATA controller drivers when asked?


You sure your CPU does not overheat (fan, dust, protective settings in
BIOS...) - so it goes in reduced cycles mode?
Another thing to try: 1 GB RAM instead of 2GB assuming they are not factory
paired and have write/read errors.
DVDR drive - read or write errors.
Media - low quality DVDR blanks.
SATA drivers.
I'd test the DVD drive, try another (R+) type of DVD blank.
Run Memory tests.
Run some CPU intensive program - 2 instances for HT - to get CPU running at
100% for at least 1/2 hour.
Also, make sure nothing else is running - DOS style antivirus from BIOS, for


Upgrade failed durig the final step (incompatible Haha! joke) Clean install
in under 15 minutes.

Kevin John Panzke

Clean Install 20 Minutes for Build 5728. Have not tried Upgrade Install
yet, due to the fact that my RC1 Upgrade Install ended in a Complete
Disaster (see my Posts about my Broken Dell XPS 600, Just FYI.)


Just a wild guess, but it seems like a hardware issue. Did you load the
SATA controller drivers when asked?

I actually ran the installer while logge dinto windows xp I was never asked
for sata controller drivers.

I'd really like to give it ago but this is brutal waiting so long. I got a
dvd-r from a friend with an older pre 5600 build it took about the same time
on a much older pc (athlon 1800). Then I downloaded 5600 and burned it on a
dvd+r disk. Honestly I don't know anything about + vs. - except that I saw
+r was faster.

How can I uninstal the botched install? obviously I could just format my F
drive but I'm not sure what would happen when I boot up.


It took a bit longer for me to upgrade from the Build 5384,
but it went with no problem at all this time..;-)


Michael, I don't think my CPU is overheating. Other applications run very
well under windows XP. I have a high end video card... well it was the best
when I bought it about a year ago but it's still pretty good. I can play
games in window mode and watch movies on a 2nd screen with good performance.
I dont' keep my pc on the floor so dust is pretty minimal. I can open the
cover and blow and no choke on dust :p

My system is all stock, I haven't added anythign except a new dvd-+rw which
is what I used to burn the cd. So the 2GB is factory. I don't think they are
paird but I don't see the need to remove

I have tried touching my heatsink (power was off/unplugged) andd it's not
very hot at all. Warm but definitely not anything to be worried about.

I know many companies rebrand media and for me personally I've never bought
one brand over the other but for what it's worth, I used sony dvd+rs cause
they were a good deal.

I guess it's possible that my cd rw/dvd combo drive is failing but it seems
unlikely because I stlil use it to play cds or other games and it seems fine
to me. Burning music cds or vcds on that drive don't take very long. (note,
the cd rw/dvd came with the pc, I had just bought a dvd+-rw) but as i
mentioned, I had tried installing vista on an older pc and it took about the
same time. You would think dvd media but remember I had one disc with an
older build and one disc with 5600. The older build was on dvd-r staples
brand, the 5600 was on sony dvd+r.


My specs:
AMD Sempron 2ghz
Single 80 GB Sata Drive
Clean install - 4 hours into install and Expanding Files is at 87%. Has been
like this for almost 45minutes now (this is the 2nd attempt, after changing
the HDD before). Must be that some hardware not agreeing with the install,
since others are having success after 30 minutes or so.
Also tried installing on a Dell Precision 380: Pentium D 930, 4 GB RAM,
single Sata -- fresh install completed in about 1/2 hour.


Replaced the Sata drive with an IDE and installation was completed in about
20 minutes. My guess is there's poor/no support for my SATA controller in the


Replaced the Sata drive with an IDE and installation was completed in
20 minutes. My guess is there's poor/no support for my SATA controller in

Did you point the installer to the drivers for the SATA when installing?


Okay, well it's definitely not my CPU my computer runs normally while
playing movies, burning cds or gaming. I did buy a new dvd burner and tried
booting to that drive but it still took as long. Every thing is slow, from
the initial dos'ish loading files which takes about 10-20 minutes to the
install gui, the loading files part after you enter the product key takes
another 15+ minutes and then once it gets to extracting files it stayed at
0% for well over 20 minutes before I hit cancel.

This is a CLEAN install also

Robert R. Johnson Jr

A clean install of RC2 took me less than 30 minutes, so far just a couple of
minor bugs which I have reported to Microsoft but not many other problems.
The RC2 build is definitely faster than previous builds.



Wow, I have only upgraded XP to RC1, and that took almost 2 hours. Glad to
hear a clean install is faster. May do that next time.

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