How I solved vista update problems. Hope it helps



This is a live report so to speak after trying various things to update my
computer without success.

Have turned off firewall restarted the computer and tried the following:
1. Just gone direct to windows update website and received following

To install updates from this website, you must be logged on as an
administrator or a member of the Administrators group on your computer. If
you use Windows XP, you can see if you are an administrator by going to User
Accounts in Control Panel.

2. Gone to "Tools" in IE7 and windows update:
The message says "To check for updates you must first install an update of
Windows Update.
Clicked on install and received message "Downloading and installing
Update then closed and restarted to check for updates.

Aha looks like success am now downloading 14 mb of updates.

It seems the firewall has to be turned off for some reason!!!!!!


Yep....... baited breath whilst I restated computer as required but updates
are now up to date yipeeeee!


What firewall are you using?

If it is the Windows Firewall, it should NOT be turned off.

Stephan Rose

What firewall are you using?

If it is the Windows Firewall, it should NOT be turned off.

Personally I will rely on a good hardware firewall any day before I'd even
touch Windows Firewall with a 10ft pole. That's not a knock actually
against windows firewall. I don't believe in *ANY* firewall that is
running on my computer.

Firewall belongs in a box sitting in between my computer and the big bad
world out there.

2003 Yamaha R6



I turned off Windows firewall whilst downloading updates. Everything else I
tried just didnt seem to work.

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