How I can give to my user ability to kill or cancel transaction



Sql 2000 with 1.1

How I can give to my user ability to kill or cancel transaction
Immediately, and rollback?

I try to kill the thread. But this not cause the transaction to be
Cancel immediately. First this takes a lot of time. Secondly I not be sure
this make rollback.

Sahil Malik

Hmm .. can you break and rollback a transaction in Query Analyzer after
issuing a "Commit"?

You could look to implement this functionality through transaction logs or
buffer tables that show him what it's gonna look like and ask him once again
"Are you really really really sure this time?" - but well - if the user
isn't sure that he should have commited - then he shouldn't have commited.

This is paradoxical - transactions are provided to avoid the user being
unsure and making mistakes - he gets to see his changes before they get
saved in the d/b - but wrapping the transaction around another transaction
is an overkill.

That's about all I know but there are plenty of very smart people on this
group who might know of another way.

- Sahil Malik

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