how i can display only the form without the MS Access window?



hi i already read & do what MR. Dav Ashish write in "Mainpulate Access
Window" step by step but ther ware always three main problems wish they are:
1-The Access window is stell in the back of the form
2- There is problem in this code "fSetAccessWindow SW_HIDE" it didn't work
with me
3- Do i do all this in the open form event?.. or In module?..... or in

I realy need help in this & i'll be thankfull

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

The form open event is good. Make sure your form's popup property is set to
yes, or the form will be hidden along with the Access window. You'll also
need to close the entire application in the form's close or unload event.
Make sure you have excellent error handling, or you will be left with copies
of Access strewn all over.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads


yas i set the pop up & modle to yas and put the codes in the open form and
saved it with the name "basSetAccessWindow"

but i 'm soory what did you mean about close the entire application in the
form's close or unload event?
did you mean to but this code
" Private Sub Form_Close()
fSetAccessWindow SW_SHOWNORMAL
End Sub"
in the on close event of the form

or some thing else

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