How easy is Movie maker to use?



I teach High School Social Studies and I am thinking about having my classes
do a project using Movie Maker. We are going to make our own WWII
documentary using video interviews of local WWII veterans. Is Movie Maker
capable of doing this? Also, is it easy enough for me and my classroom to

John Hanley

I am a newcomer to Windows Movie Maker; I have to say that it produces a
good product for me. However, the whole process (from camera to final
product) involves attention to a lot of steps and learning to work around a
number of potential pitfalls. Check out the tutorials and workarounds on
this web site: You will learn
a lot. I also have purchased two helpful books:

Microsoft Windows Movie Maker Visual Quickstart Guide by Jan Ozer
Windows Movie Maker 2 "Zero to Hero" by Bounds, Buechler, and deHaan.

I would not characterize the total process as 'easy', regardless of which
software you might use (just my amateur opinion). But then, learning to use
the Excel spreadsheet tool is not 'easy' either....

Graham Hughes

There are some steps to make life easier for you.

Movie Maker only works well with dv.avi and wmv video files. So using a
minidv camcorder connected to the pc by firewire is great, but dvd/hard
disc/solid state/hd cams are no goes really.

Use WAV/WMA/WMV audio, NOT mp3.

If you want to use stills bmp images are better than jpeg.

As John says, it's as easy to use as most apps, but if you want better
compatibility with the latest equipment it may pay for you to invest in
something like adobe premiere elements, but if you need 30 licences it could
get expensive :)

More tutorials etc here on my site

and also at Papajohn's

Of course asking here also gives good results!!!!

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