How do you forward or save e-mails and include the attachments?



Roman said:
How do you forward or save e-mails and include the attachments?

Well if you forward an email with an attachment, it's automatically


Those are two separate questions. When you forward a message that has an
attachment, the attachment is automatically included.

To save the message and the attachment, open the message, click on File -
Save As and save the message as an "msg" file. That will save the text of
the message as well as the attachment. The downside is you need Outlook to
open the file again. You could also save the message as a text file but then
you would also have to save the attachment in an additional step
(right-click on the attachment and choose Save As).



Thanks for the suggestions, but what is happening is that I am recieving
e-mails that are supposed to have a picture attached, but none comes.


OK...but your original question was entirely different. Makes it a bit of a
challenge when trying to help.

There are several possible reasons for not receiving attachments. Maybe the
picture you are expecting is quite large and the sender's ISP does not allow
large attachments. Maybe your ISP does not allow large attachments. Maybe
the sender forgot to attach the picture (or thought he/she did but failed
for whatever reason). Maybe the message passed through a firewall with a
rule that strips out pictures (pretty odd...but remotely possible...but

How do you know the message contains a picture? Have you received pictures
before and now you can't? Is the problem just with this particular sender or
with others?

Do you see some kind of indication in the message that an attachment is
there? Like an icon or something similar?

Bottom need to supply more detail...and please don't withold any
more "small" details.


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