How do you create subject filters in Outlook 98?


M Skabialka

What is the secret to creating filters in Outlook 98 based on the subject
line. I created a new filter that said

Apply this rule after the message arrives
with debt or stock or mortgage or money or invest or retail or discount or
spam or health or pills in the subject
move it to the Deleted Items folder

Within the hour I received emails with debt, pills and stock in the subject
and none went into the Deleted Items folder.

I know the message body can contain HTML so it won't be filtered so I don't
bother to filter based on the body, but how can I make the subject line
filter properly?
I am now getting over 1000 spams a month and we aren't going to Exchange
2003 until next year some time.


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Are those words spelled exactly as you have written? I am getting some spam
(one or two per week) with one-off spelling, like pi11s (where the ls are

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to the
Swen virus, all e-mails sent to my actual account will be deleted w/out

After searching and finding no answer
M Skabialka <Remove NOSPAM from reply address> asked:

| What is the secret to creating filters in Outlook 98 based on the
| subject line. I created a new filter that said
| Apply this rule after the message arrives
| with debt or stock or mortgage or money or invest or retail or
| discount or spam or health or pills in the subject
| move it to the Deleted Items folder
| Within the hour I received emails with debt, pills and stock in the
| subject and none went into the Deleted Items folder.
| I know the message body can contain HTML so it won't be filtered so I
| don't bother to filter based on the body, but how can I make the
| subject line filter properly?
| I am now getting over 1000 spams a month and we aren't going to
| Exchange 2003 until next year some time.
| Thanks,
| Mich

M Skabialka

I am totally ignoring misspelt words and only trying to filter real words at
the moment. For example, ones that slipped by the filter said
"Do you like money?"
"Top quality meds pills cbsjo archciapq el"

and these were copied and pasted from the subject line. They should have
filtered on money and pills but they didn't.

Why isn't this working?

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