How do set different widths for the same column?



How do set different widths for the same column? Example: column A, the width would be 12 from rows 1 to 10 and rows 11 to 20 would have a width of 24. I would like to do this without merge. Please Help!!!

Nick Hodge

Not possible I'm afraid

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

Dave Peterson

If it really, really has to be done, maybe Word. I think you can do this inside
a table within word????

Katherine Coombs

this can be done within Word as Dave suggested. Either that, or you merge
cells in Excel to give the desired appearance, but in terms of functionality
you might find it more trouble than it's worth.


Dave Peterson said:
If it really, really has to be done, maybe Word. I think you can do this inside
a table within word????
width would be 12 from rows 1 to 10 and rows 11 to 20 would have a width of
24. I would like to do this without merge. Please Help!!!

Dave Peterson

Except that the OP didn't want to use Merge. But if enough people say that it's
the only way, maybe he or she will change their mind!


Explorer Excel said:
How do set different widths for the same column? Example: column A,
the width would be 12 from rows 1 to 10 and rows 11 to 20 would have
a width of 24. I would like to do this without merge. Please Help!!!

What are you trying to achieve?

What you are asking is impossible, but I doubt that you want to do it
just for the sake of it, so better to ask how to achieve your
objective rather than an (assumed) best route.


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