How do I ...


Nicolaas Hawkins

Can anyone tell me (politely?) how to convert Microsoft Publisher
(sorry!) *.PUB files so that I can use them with Ragtime Solo?
Also I would like to be able to convert them to *.WMF format (and yes, I
know that's off-topic)



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- God gives the nuts, but He does not crack them.

Le Loup

Nicolaas said:
Can anyone tell me (politely?) how to convert Microsoft Publisher
(sorry!) *.PUB files so that I can use them with Ragtime Solo?
Also I would like to be able to convert them to *.WMF format (and yes, I
know that's off-topic)

Just post your question in microsoft.public.publisher

Hervé LOTH


Nicolaas said:
Can anyone tell me (politely?) how to convert Microsoft Publisher
(sorry!) *.PUB files so that I can use them with Ragtime Solo?
Also I would like to be able to convert them to *.WMF format (and
yes, I know that's off-topic)


Hmm... Ther has been an other question about reading .pub files recently in
this newsgroup. (Please just go to google discussions to find it)

But basically, I believe it is not done to even read it with an other
program, so converting it will be next to impossible. The only thing you
could try is to instal a 'file printer' (like an PDF printer as cutePDF)

I would however recommend Paperlessprinter from Rarefind
( as it tries to print anything to
PDF, HTML, Doc, xls, JPG or bmp files, at your choise.

It is a kind of nagware: It wil ask you to purchase a copy after each time
you print with it. But for private users, you don't have to register (but
you will need to learn to live with the nag screen) On the other hand, it
does not add advertisement to any printed document.

I bought it for business use, and am very satisfied with both the software
and the payment company.


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