how do i use xcopy?



Hi, well I've exhausted all avenues trying to open and
copy some old files from my slave drive onto my primary
drive using Windows XP and I keep getting "incorrect
parameter" messages.

Can I safely copy these files by using xcopy in C prompt?

How do I type it in? I know this much:

at C prompt type in : xcopy <file name> then <destination
name> and then a ton of switches. Any spaces needed in
there? Do I need to move one file at a time? Can I see
an example from someone so I can cut and paste it and
fill in the blanks?

I'm a bit nervous about doing this but I NEED those old
files. They are all my songs and demo files. I'd hate
to lose them. I did run Disk Doctor and the files aren't
damaged, errors have been corrected on the old drive, I
just can't open or copy them in their respective programs
or copy them in Win XP




1.- Go to the Windows command prompt
2.- Type CD\ to put you in the Root directory
3.- Change to the drive and directory where your files are
4.- Type XCOPY *.* new drive and directory name\
(the wild cards will copy every file in that directory to the new

If you want to see all the switches,
at the command prompt, type: XCOPY /? |MORE

If you want to copy all the switches to the printer,
Type: XCOPY /? >PRN (or LPT1)


Have a nice day!

fallon said:
Hi, well I've exhausted all avenues trying to open and
copy some old files from my slave drive onto my primary
drive using Windows XP and I keep getting "incorrect
parameter" messages.

Can I safely copy these files by using xcopy in C prompt?

How do I type it in? I know this much:

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