How do I use drop down list selections/values in a vlook up formu.



How do I use drop down list selections/values in a vlook up formula?

What I want to to do is when some one makes a selecton from a down list, my
vlook up formula will look up this value in a source and return another value


Use data validation for the lookup and set your vlookup formula to refer to
that value: Say you had an array of of two columns and several rows with
items in column A and prices in column B. In the cell you want your user to
enter information select data, validation and then select the list option and
for the list select the items in column A of your array. In the cell you
want the information returned to use the vlookup function to look up the
price based on the item selected, vlookup(array,column#).

Gord Dibben


Assuming DV drop-down cell is A1 and contains a list of items to pick from.

Assuming your source table is B1:C10 and column B contains items from the
drop-down list.

In D1 enter =VLOOKUP(A1,B1:C10,2,FALSE) to return what is in Column C

For more on this(with pictures) see Debra Dalgleish's site.

Note the use of named ranges if using another sheet for the DV list source.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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