How do I use DataTable.ImportRow with a DataView


Rob Dob


I'm trying to archive orginal records, so what I am trying to do is upon
saving the changed record also writing the orginal record version to a
different table. The problem I'm having is that the DataTable.ImportRow
does not accept a datarowview as a parameter. My code is below, can someone
please let me know how to get around this.. I realise I could iterate
through each colum and build a new datarow, but I'm assuming that there is a
better way.

DataView oDV = new DataView( dataSet1.mytable, "", "",

foreach (DataRowView DRV in DV)
DataSetArchiveRecords oDSAR = new DataSetArchiveRecords();


DataRowView.Row is the DataRow associated with the DataRowView object.
Is this what you needed?

Clay Burch
Syncfusion, Inc.

Rob Dob


Thanks for your reply, actually DataRowView.Row returns the current row
version, I need to see the orginal row version before the row was modified,
This way I can archive it..

Any help would be appreciated!!

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