how do I turn off an Automatic Scientific Format



Every Time i want to Enter some Text in to Excel it is automaticall
formatted as Scientific Text ..

IE: I enter in 5E1 amd Excel Automatically formats the number an
displays it as 5.00E+1 (50) and so on and so on for other code
further down that are 5E4, 5E5 etc ... am I able to turn off thi
Automatic Scientific Function that deems my codes are Exponentia



not sure you can turn it off, but if you enter an apostraphe in front of the
values it won't think they're numbers.. e.g.

alternatively, select where you are going to enter the codes (prior to
entering them) and format it as text (format / cells - text)



sorry .. I should have put this in the original text ... I am pasting i
a whole lot of data from an extract off of an Internal Website, which i
12000 lines long .. I have tried formating the whole sheet as Plain Tex
and then pasting in and it still converts these codes ...

I have also tried using the paste special function and telling Excel t
paste the data in as text and it puts it all in to one column of cell
.. which is then not useable either ..

Thanks for your help tho .. I think I'll just try Extracting the dat
column by column and usethe paste special function .. which may take
wee while, but I'll presevere ..

Thanks for your help .

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