how do i to hide warning message in automation Outlook?



i develop application that refer outlook object model to send email....
but every "item.send" execute (i see with debug) the outlook give warning
that some virus has use outlook to send mail ...
this problem make the appplication isnt automation again cos user must
press yes button to accept...

can u give me suggest how to hide / disable this alert ?



thank's for ur suggest
i give the code
+++++++++++++++++BEGIN CODE++++++++++++++++++
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myMailItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set myAttachment = myMailItem.Attachments
myMailItem.Subject = sSubject

'myMailItem.Recipients.Add rs!email '----i use this before i try ur

myMailItem.To = rs!EMAIL ' --------- i use code, i still get the alert

myMailItem.Body = sMessage
If Dir(sAttach) <> "" Then
myAttachment.Add sAttach
status = "Done"
'myAttachment.Add ""
status = "No Data"
End If
+++++++++++++++++END CODE++++++++++++++++++

thats the code... do i have a mistake with the code ?


-juni s-

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Your code looks fine, but did you leave anything important out? Setting the value of MailItem.To should not trigger a security prompt in any Outlook version.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


well... i m very confiuse

lets me tell u about environment of the application
1. OS = WIN XP Pro SP 2
2. Outlook = Ms Outlook 2003 (11.6359.6360) SP 1
3. i develop application with VB 6 SP 6
4. active Component= - Ms Common Dialog Control
- Ms Flexgrid control
5. Active reference = - Ms Outlook 11.0 Object Library
- MS ActiveX Data Object 2.8 Library
6. I store email address in DB Access 2003

that all's information about the environment...
i can't think anymore ... what must i do?

what ur opinion about the "Express ClickYes"? that the program is danger for
my system if i use it? what the effect from the program ? that another
application (except Outlook) can being affected with this program ?

-juni s-

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you use the programmability feature of Express ClickYes to block prompts only when you expect them, then it does not present too much of a security risk. If you turn it on and leave it on, then you might as well invite any program into your system to start harvesting addresses because you will be unprotected from such attacks.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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