How do I tell access to send email reminders?



I want to set up a database containing dates that nurses need to renew
registrations with their professional body. The database will contain the
date on white they need to renew as well as their name and email address. I
want access to email them and cc me a couple of weeks prior to renewal date.
Can this be done? If so, can anyone tell me how?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Yes. This is called a "Tickler" and can be done automatically, or require
user interaction to send the mail. For total automatic use, you will need to
get a program or write one that either uses smtp directly, or a program
other that outlook/outlook express, or disables the security prompts.

Basically, every day the database is opened an event is triggered that looks
for any nurses which need to renew in 3 weeks. Just build a recordset that
runs a query something like:

SELECT EmailField, DateField
FROM Table1
WHERE (((DateField)>=DateAdd("ww",2,Date()) And

Which will get you all of them that fall between 2 and 3 weeks from now.
Then cycle through the recordset emailing them individually,

or use some code like that in:

to email them as a group.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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