How do I stop the repeating password prompt in Outlook 2003?



When Outlook 2003 is open I keep getting prompts for my password. It is only
linked with one account which is btinternet account, which is a POP/SMTP

I'm running Windows XP

This is a new problem for about the last 2 days and wasn't fixed by
uninstalling and re-installing Outlook 2003

Can any answers be basic enough for a relatively computer-illiterate person
to follow please?


Thanks for the prompt reply

I tried the first link which was setting up a new profile. It seemed to sort
out the problem but I lost all my old e-mails and addresses, calender etc
with the new profile

How can I set up a new profile and yet still have my old e-amils in the
inbox of the new profile and also have all my addresses and calender?


Roady [MVP]

You can connect to your original pst-file by File-> Open-> Outlook Data

Then in your account settings you can set is as the default delivery
Tools-> Account Settings-> Next-> dropdown list at the bottom

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