How do I stack columns?



Hi, I've got the following table:
Site Product Line Sub-division General Turnover YTD 2007 .....
abc abcd xyz 123 456
lkj lkjh uio 897 589

For each Site there are 13 metrics (columns: D, F, H, J....) and also an
Year to Date value for each of the 13 metrics in colunmns E, G, I ...). I
would like to stack Column D to AC by Site on a Table like this:

Site Product Line Sub-division Metric YTD 2007
abc abcd xyz (info column D) (Info column E)
abc abcd xyz (Info column F) (Info Column G)

Can somebody help me?


Try code below. If you have a header row then change RowCount from 1 to 2

Sub stackcol()

Application.CutCopyMode = False
RowCount = 1
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(RowCount, "A"))

Rows((RowCount + 1) & ":" & (RowCount + 12)). _
Insert Shift:=xlDown
Range(Cells(RowCount, "A"), Cells(RowCount, "C")).Copy _
Destination:=Range(Cells(RowCount + 1, "A"), _
Cells(RowCount + 12, "A"))
FirstRow = RowCount
RowCount = RowCount + 1
For CopyCount = 0 To 11

Range(Cells(FirstRow, "F"), Cells(FirstRow, "G")). _
Offset(0, 2 * CopyCount).Copy _
Destination:=Cells(RowCount, "D")

RowCount = RowCount + 1
Next CopyCount

Range(Cells(FirstRow, "F"), Cells(FirstRow, "AC")) = ""

End Sub


Hey Joel, Thanks a lot!
It works great!

Joel said:
Try code below. If you have a header row then change RowCount from 1 to 2

Sub stackcol()

Application.CutCopyMode = False
RowCount = 1
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(RowCount, "A"))

Rows((RowCount + 1) & ":" & (RowCount + 12)). _
Insert Shift:=xlDown
Range(Cells(RowCount, "A"), Cells(RowCount, "C")).Copy _
Destination:=Range(Cells(RowCount + 1, "A"), _
Cells(RowCount + 12, "A"))
FirstRow = RowCount
RowCount = RowCount + 1
For CopyCount = 0 To 11

Range(Cells(FirstRow, "F"), Cells(FirstRow, "G")). _
Offset(0, 2 * CopyCount).Copy _
Destination:=Cells(RowCount, "D")

RowCount = RowCount + 1
Next CopyCount

Range(Cells(FirstRow, "F"), Cells(FirstRow, "AC")) = ""

End Sub

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