How do I shade in part of a graph?



I am trying to graph an inequality, and to do so I need to shade just a
specific part of the graph above the line.

Andy Pope


You can use additional series to provide the shading, which combination
of chart styles you use depends on the type of line and shade.

With a flat line you could use columns as in this example. In your case
the lower parts of the columns would have no fill pattern.

For more complex lines you can use area charts

And for really complex shape you may need to resort to a VBA solution.


Marie B


Is there a trick to using this technique for shading part of the plot area
for a bar chart? I've had a couple of goes using the info from the link you
provided for line graphs, but had no luck so far.

My chart has 20-ish bars, with a y-axis that's 0-100% in 10% intervals. How
can I shade the 40-70% plot area? Got the feeling I might be missing
something obvious...

Many thanks,

Marie B

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