How do I set-up a save prompt when exiting an updated file?



In most Excel files, when updated, the program prompts dialogue box asking
"do you want to save the changes you made to filename.xls"? before exiting
the file/program. I have a file which does not provide this prompt and I
have been unable to determine how I can activate this prompt.


No, the file may be updated. It is actually a budget file that will be made
available to multiple users for 2007 budgeting, thus the concern for its
lacking a "save prompt". Protection is on so that only certain cells may
updated. Would this impact the save prompt?

Dave Peterson

There are lots of questions to the newsgroup asking how to stop that prompt from

Any chance that the developer of the file never wanted the file updated and went
out of the way to remove that temptation from the typical user?

You could test it.
Close excel
windows start button|Run
Excel /safe
file|open yourworkbook.xls

make a simple change


Do you get prompted to save the change?

If yes, I'd viciously attack that developer with your findings!

If no, I'd yell back that this was a stupid suggestion!

ps. Starting in safe mode disables macros from running.


does the file automatically save the changes? there may be macros in place
that automatically save changes when exiting.


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