How do I set the login name for a user?


Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

dbo is a role, not a user.

I am not sure what properties you are talking about? What tool are you
seeing this in? And, how did you get to this "page" in the tool?

Gregory A. Beamer

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Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello Dave,

There are basically two possible reasons for the symptom that the dbo user
does not have a matching login:

1, If a database is created by a Microsoft Windows NT authenticated login
that is granted access to the computer that is running SQL Server through
group membership (such as BUILTIN\Administrators), the security
identification number (SID) stored in the sysusers system table in that
database does not have a matching SID in the syslogins system table.

2, If a database is restored where the dbo user's SID in the sysusers
system table is not matched with the SID in the syslogins system table.

If the dbo user does not have an explicit login, the solution is to change
the owner of the database to a user that has an explicit login. For
example, change the owner of the database to the system administrator (sa),
and then execute the following code:

exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'

Is this solution helpful to you? Please let me know if you still have the
problem after trying it.

Best Regards,
Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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David Thielen

dbo is a role, not a user.

I am not sure what properties you are talking about? What tool are you
seeing this in? And, how did you get to this "page" in the tool?


Here's what I am seeing. In SQL Server Management Studio I go to
Databases/KailuaTest/Security/Users and under that I have the user

When I bring up the properties for dbo it has a Username of dbo and
under that are 4 greyed out radio buttons: login name, certificate
name, key name, without login. login name is grayed out.

The problem is to the right of login name the text box that lists the
username is blank And as it's grayed out, there is no way to set a
login name.

So I created a seconf user dbo2, set it to db_owner, and was then
goign to delete dbo - but it won't let me.

So how can I fix this?

thanks - dave

david@[email protected]
Windward Reports --
me --

Cubicle Wars -

Jialiang Ge [MSFT]

Hello Dave,

"dbo" cannot be deleted and it needs to be in every database by design:

According to the symptom, there might be some corruptions or missing
information in the system database. Dave, does this issue happen to all the
databases in the sql server instance? What is the result if we create a new
database? Was my suggestion in the initial reply helpful to you?

Because this issue is majorly about SQL server, I think you may also
consider posting the question to one of the managed SQL server newsgroups:
My colleagues dedicated to supporting SQL Server may provide better ideas.

Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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David Thielen

What I think happened is my username was changed from dave to david
(long story due to a bug in Exchange's IMAP server). So all the
databases created with dave as the dbo now have "" as the dbo.

How do I set sa as the owner of the database? I went to Security,
Logins, sa and tried to map it to a databse but got an error that I
cannot use the reserved name sa.

thanks - dave

Hello Dave,

There are basically two possible reasons for the symptom that the dbo user
does not have a matching login:

1, If a database is created by a Microsoft Windows NT authenticated login
that is granted access to the computer that is running SQL Server through
group membership (such as BUILTIN\Administrators), the security
identification number (SID) stored in the sysusers system table in that
database does not have a matching SID in the syslogins system table.

2, If a database is restored where the dbo user's SID in the sysusers
system table is not matched with the SID in the syslogins system table.

If the dbo user does not have an explicit login, the solution is to change
the owner of the database to a user that has an explicit login. For
example, change the owner of the database to the system administrator (sa),
and then execute the following code:

exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'

Is this solution helpful to you? Please let me know if you still have the
problem after trying it.

Best Regards,
Jialiang Ge ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

Delighting our customers is our #1 priority. We welcome your comments and
suggestions about how we can improve the support we provide to you. Please
feel free to let my manager know what you think of the level of service
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david@[email protected]
Windward Reports --
me --

Cubicle Wars -

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

That is not a user, in the traditional sense.

It may show up in the tool, but it is not a user you can use. Consider it a
database role or a superuser.

The sa account is "god" on the server. You can use it in connection strings,
et al, but I would highly discourage it. You are better to make a dbo roled
account (database god?), although that is not my first recommendation for
connections. It is best to only give the rights necessary to the account.
read and write priveleges are generally as far as I would go with an account
to read data from an application.

Gregory A. Beamer

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