How do I set frames w/ Frontpage on each page except index & home?



I am using FrontPage 2002 to create frames on my website. I need the frames
on every page except the index page & home page.

At this point, from the main page I can click on the link for Page A and
Page A opens in a frame on the right hand side, and the navigational bar
opens in a frame on the left hand side. From here, when I click on the link
for Page B on the left hand navigational bar, Page B opens on the right hand
frame, and 2 navigational bars (frames) appear on the left hand side. From
here, when I click on any page, including the index and home page, at least
one, if not two navigational bars (frames) are on the left.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.


Frames are often easy for the developer (that's you) and hard on the visitor
(that's your client).

You need to understand this about frames: to display any frame
configuration, the browser needs a "master" page, that describes how many
frames to use, what their size and dimensions are, and which files to load
into each frame. This means that an x frame layout scheme is actually x+1
HTML files.

Thus, it is always possible to link from a non-framed page to a framed page
by simply linking to the frameset, which will take care of populating the
frames for you.

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