How do I resolve a security error message and open mdb



The database was secured using the Security Wizard but whenever we try to
open it the following message displays: "The Microsoft Jet database engine
cannot open the file: (directory and name of file). It is already opened
exclusively by another user or you do not have permission to view its data."
But the database isn't opened by another user and permissions were
established for the user trying to open it. No logon box appears and we cant
get passed this error message. We are using MS Access 2000 and appreciate
any help you can provide.

Wayne Morgan

The locking file is supposed to be deleted when the last user closes Access.
Sometimes it isn't. Check the folder where the front-end and back-end files
are located (the problem is probably in the back-end). With no one using the
database, check for an *.ldb file with the same name as the *.mdb file. If
the *.ldb file exists and no one is using the database, delete the *.ldb

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