how do i put a border round a report i created in design veiw?



exactly how(if possible at all)do i put a border around a report i created in
design view, i am an A2 student and i'm trying to stick to my origional
design but if i can't put a border on a report that changes everything!

Rick Brandt

starstuddedstudent said:
exactly how(if possible at all)do i put a border around a report i
created in design view, i am an A2 student and i'm trying to stick to
my origional design but if i can't put a border on a report that
changes everything!

You can draw a box using the Line method of the report. When used in the Page
event this box can span sections to create a box around the entire page.



I picked up on this question as I have tried and failed to produce the same
result in the past. Sorry to be dim, but could you please explain in more
detail how to put the border around the whole page?


Duane Hookom

Something like:
Private Sub Report_Page()
Me.DrawWidth = 8
Me.Line (0, 0)-Step(Me.Width, 10000), , B
End Sub

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