How do I put a border around a picture in Power Point


Miss untechnical

I'm a new user to power point and want to border pictures I bring into it
from other sources. How do I do that. I've tried a couple of options and
they don't work. I'm a design student and need this very quickly for a
presentation Thanks

Michael Koerner

Which version of PowerPoint are you using?

Michael Koerner
MS MVP - PowerPoint

message I'm a new user to power point and want to border pictures I bring into it
from other sources. How do I do that. I've tried a couple of options and
they don't work. I'm a design student and need this very quickly for a
presentation Thanks

Miss untechnical

Hi . I tried that and it did not work. I selected format pic and hit
colours and lines tab but in the lines tab it would not allow me to choose
anything. I have the worst luck with stuff on computers things that seem to
work for other people do not work for me. . This picture was from a website
and I brought it into power point so I don't know whether that has something
to do with it. I'm running Power Point 2003

Miss untechnical

Hi actually when I take the picture into power power it does not even allow
me to format it when I right click on the object all its says is move here,
copy here or cancel. When it is in word before moving it that is when I can
get into the format but not border it. I don't get it

John Wilson

I probably need to mention that images from the Internet are probably
copyright, your college may also mention this! If you used copy paste you may
also have unintentionally added links etc.

Is your image maybe an animated gif? You cannot format these in PowerPoint
you might be able to place a shape behind the image with a border so that
only the border shows around "your" picture.
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