how do I package an application in Excel?



Hello Guys, Office XP Developer provided the Packaging Wizard which was very
useful to package my Excel Application. I have now upgraded to Excel 2003 and
I find there is no Packaging Wizard here. I tried installing the old Office
XP Developer application but that still does not show the Packaging Wizard in
the Add-ins in the IDE. Question is how do I access the packaging
functionality in Excel 2003? Thanks


rereading my post...

If you UPGRADED your xl2002 developer when installing xl2003 you may
very well have a problem that the developer tools were removed.

I have multiple office versions installed and can use all developer
tools incl the packaging wizard from XP Developer in XL2003 without

You may need to reinstall XP Developer Edition
and subsequently run 2003 setup to verify/repair the registry settings.

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

keepITcool wrote :

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