how do I organize my C++/CLI solution


Scott W

it's been awhile since I've done any real C++ development, but I'm trying to
create a managed interface to some COM libraries that don't implement
IDispatch or come with type libraries, so that pretty much means C++.

I have a managed class, MainClass, and an unmanaged class EventSink, the
managed class needs to create an instance of EventSink and set
EventSink._owner = this;
the EventSink class needs to call methods on the _owner member.

I have the following which complies fine. if I change the gcroot declaration
to use the actual type of MainClass I get lots and lots of errors. How can
I resolve this?

#include "EventSink.h"

public ref class MainClass : public System::ComponentModel::Component {

//full implementation in header file



#include <vcclr.h>

class EngineSink :
public CComObjectRoot,...
// gcroot<MainClass^> _owner;
gcroot<System::Object^> _owner;
//full implementation in header file

Gary Chang[MSFT]

Hi Scott,

For the question about the new C++/CLI programming issue, I suggest post
it to our Visual Studio 2005 Forums / Visual C++ Language which you can get
many more help there:


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Community Support
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Gary Chang[MSFT]

Hi Scott,
I have the following which complies fine. if I change the gcroot declaration
to use the actual type of MainClass I get lots and lots of errors. How can
I resolve this?

In order to let me better understand the question, could you please help
provide the following information:

Which type of the errors you got when wrapping the MainClass in the gcroot

Do you have the same problem when you wrap a simple custom managed class in
the gcroot template?


Best regards,

Gary Chang
Microsoft Community Support
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Scott W

I've since gotten the solution to compile. I moved some of the
implementation code out of the header file and into the .cpp file, and then
ref class Parent; in the Child header file.


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