How do I modify an organization chart from older powerpoint?



I am unable to make changes to an organization chart created and saved in
Powerpoint 97. I am currently using Powerpoint 2003. How can I modify this


It should do it...make sure the presentation with the organization chart is
not read only. Find it where you stored it say My Documents...right click it
and go to properties and make sure the read only box is unchecked. You can
open it can't you? If this isn't the problem open it and go to file save as
and save it again as a 2003 ppt. and then open it again and try. If not
reply and we'll try something else

Deborah Jean
MOS Master Instructor

Echo S

PPT/Office 97 (and 2000) uses the old Org Chart 2.0, whereas PPT/Office 2003
(and 2002/XP) uses a new diagramming applet. If the older version of
PPT/Office has never been installed on the system in question, then Org
Chart 2.0 probably also hasn't been installed.

IIRC, PPT 2002 (Office XP) would convert old org charts to the new type of
diagram when you'd double-click them. Problem is, the conversion was often
pretty bad. I believe that's why PPT/Office 2003 doesn't try to do the
conversion, and so you have to install the old Org Chart 2.0 application in
order to edit Org Charts.

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