how do I make a Web service proxy understand an HTTP refresh page?



Is it possible to extend a Web service proxy so that it understands an HTTP
refresh page?


* The Web service proxy was autogenerated by Visual Studio .NET 2003
from the Web service's WSDL. It inherits from

* The Web service is hiding behind a load-balancing content switch
(Cisco content services switch to be precise)

* The content switch takes a request from a client and looks for the
session cookie. If it doesn't find the cookie, it sends the request back to
the client as an HTTP refresh page after inserting a new cookie.

* The client is supposed to refresh its page, causing it to resend the
original request with the new cookie included. This allows the content
switch to properly route traffic between the client and a particular backend

* The Web service proxy generated by Visual Studio probably doesn't
respond properly to the HTTP refresh page... after all, it isn't a Web
browser and there is no page to refresh... I get the feeling that it's simply
ignoring this refresh command.

Bruce Barker

it depends on how the refreah command is done. it should be a 300 level
redirect, in which case the proxy will follow. you should do a network trace
to see what the load balancer is really doing.

the autogenerated proxy is just code. you can edit it and add the required
support. for example, the proxy may be honoring the returned cookie on the
redirect. the fix would be to turn off auto redirect, catch the 300 error,
add any response cookies to the request, and request again.

-- bruce (

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