How do I Link Access to a ".dbf" file



I have some ".dbf" files that are generated by a drafting program and I want
to link them to access for reporting, But when I try access tells me that
they cannot find them even when I have clicked on the exact file I want it to

Cindy Winegarden

Hi Dave,

Do you know exactly which type of DBF files you are dealing with? DBFs are
created in more than one format. Also, there is more than one way to link a
DBF - natively (via Jet) and through ODBC. Also, Visual FoxPro DBFs that
have data features added in VFP7 and above can't be linked at all but must
be accessed via the FoxPro and Visual FoxPro OLE DB data provider and ADO.

Cindy Winegarden
(e-mail address removed)



Hi Cindy
Thanks for the Info, I am trying to find out the program that generated this
dbf file
if it is OK I will write back to you when I receive the information



Hi Cindy
here is the info I got
"We use a program developed locally called Codebase to generate the files,
sort and search. The files should be 100% FoxPro compatible and you should be
able to link to it with Access"
I downloaded the recomended .dll file but it still does not see the file
can I send a Copy to your email to try? you can reply to my email
Thanks for your help

(e-mail address removed)

Cindy Winegarden

Hi Dave,

I'm answering in the newsgroup since someone else may have a similar problem
and find this answer helpful.

I looked at your file and had the same problem you had. Without spending too
much time trying to deal with the problem, I went to "plan B" which was to
use ODBC to link the table.

You can download the FoxPro and Visual FoxPro ODBC driver from the link
below my signature. To link (or import) the table in Access, use File > Get
External Data > Link Tables... > Choose ODBC databases from the bottom of
the list in the Files of Type combobox > up comes the ODBC dialog. Choose
Machine Data Source > New... > Choose either System or User > select
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver > Finish. Up comes another dialog. Give your
data source a friendly name, choose Free Table directory, Browse to the
location of the DBFs. Ok your way out of that dialog. At this point Access
takes over and you get a list of tables in the directory. Choose the one you
want. It will ask you for a unique record identifier, which is probably your
ControlNo field, but you can hit cancel if there isn't a unique identifier
and you'll be OK with queries and reports. Repeat this process for each DBF
you want to link to, using the ODBC data source you've already created.

Post back if you have problems.

Cindy Winegarden
(e-mail address removed)



Access also can't catch a dbf if the name of the dbf file is greater than 10
characters before the ".", e.g.,

YourDBFName.dbf (11 characters)



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