how do i keep the last page open instead of going black?



Hi, i need to be able to keep the last page open on a powerpoint presentation
so viewers can then move back between pages. At the moment when the
presentation ends, the page goes black with the small typed text up the top
of the page.
last week when i was working on it (uni assignment!) it worked. I dont know
what i've done to change it.


The show / don't show black page is machine specific. It doesn't travel with
the presentation.
If you simply untick "on click" and "auto after" in the transitions then the
last side won't move to the black page (unless you use keyboard shortcuts)
Make sure that you provide navigation buttons to get back to other slides


Another solution here,
How about looping the slide show?
Click Slide Show > Set Up Show.
Put a checkmark on "Loop continuously until Esc".
Click Ok.
Once you have done that your slide show will jump back to the first slide
rather than going to the black slide. This one will travel with the
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Sept 26, 2007
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