How do I keep form variables?


Mark 123


I have two forms on one ASPX order page. There are two submit buttons:

1) "Calculate"
2) "Order"

The first form at the top of the page has the Product Name and Quantity as
form fields. The calculate button works out the total order cost and puts it
into a form field when the button is clicked and the page re-loaded (POST

The second form has the customer order details; name, address, telephone

I have a MSAccess database to store all data, including the price and
quantity. However, whilst the database has the name, address, telephone etc,
the price and quantity are always blank. I am using the Request("Quantity")
syntax for ASP. I have tried to store the value with Session("Quantity") but
that still comes up blank. I don't want to use Cookies.

Any suggestions?


Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

Here's a nice, simple way to pass values from one page to another:
(VB.NET code)

'Add data to the context object before transferring
Context.Items("myParameter") = x

Then, in WebForm2.aspx:

'Grab data from the context property
Dim x as Integer = CType(Context.Items("myParameter"),Integer)

Of course there are a number of ways to pass values from one page to
another, such as using the querystring, cookies, session,
context, saving to a temporary table in the database between each page, etc.
You'll have to decide which technique is best for your application.
Here are several good articles on the subject to help you decide.

Mark B

Thanks. I wonder if that will work where instead of progressing on to a
second webpage, the 'next' webpage is just a refresh caused by clicking the
'Calculate' button which does a form POST.

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