How do I incorporate 6 PowerPoint slides into a single 2'x3' poste



I'm trying to move 6 slides into a new Powerpoint presentation, onto one
large, poster-size slide. Can someone help me?????


Open the new presentation,
Click Insert > Slides From File.
There will be an option for you to keep the source formatting. Check it if
you want to keep the original formatting.
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
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If this is for a research poster format I'd suggest the following:
Save the 6 slides as jpeg's and then insert the jpeg's into the new 24x36

Open the file with the 6 slides, go to File|Save As, select the file format
(jpeg or png works well for this), click Save, select Every Slide.

Then open the new custom 24x36 slide, click Insert|Picture|From File and
find the jpegs. Select the six you want and you're good to go.

Jay Larson
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I'd go with Jay's suggestion, but I'd definitely use PNG if I had text -- it
seems to make crisper text than JPGs do. Or you might even try WMF and EMF
and see how they look.

Alternatively, you can copy a slide from slide sorter view and paste it in
"normal" slide editing view. You may need to use Edit|Paste Special and
choose PPT Object. You should get an embedded slide object you can drag by
the corners to resize.

Darrell S

Molly said:
I'm trying to move 6 slides into a new Powerpoint presentation, onto
one large, poster-size slide. Can someone help me?????

On your first slide click on it and drag your picture to a size about 1/6
the page.
Go to the next slide, highlight it, right click and choose Copy.
Go back to your first slide, right click and choose Paste. It will be full
size so highlight it and drag that picture to a size about 1/6 the page.
Repeat with the other slides and you will have 6 slides on one slide page.
You can click and drag them around as you wish.
Once you have it the way you want it you can delete the other 5 full page
It's a good idea to save it with a slightly different name so you will still
have the original if you need to do it again.

When you say "poster-size" does that mean you want to print it? If so the
terminology "slide" wouldn't be appropriate. If printing is what you meant,
click on File... Print... at the lower left click "print what" to change it
from "slides" to "Handouts". Then click a 6 into the "slides per page" box.
Of course you will have to change your basic printing setup from standard
paper size to your desired poster size. Make sure you have put a checkmark
before "scale to fit paper".

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