How do I HOTLINK an image? (NOT hyperlink.)



I want to be able to paste an image off my website into a webdocument in Word.

I want this image to be hotlinked to the picture in my website so it shows
up when I put the html from viewsource into my website.

Trouble is - I can't work out how to do this. Can anyone help me please?

I can edit the html source afterwards to put in the link but the document
saves as a seperate file and it *still* saves the filename for the picture as
one on my harddrive.

Sorry if this message isn't too clear but I'm going crosseyed trying to
figure this out.

Cheers. Binky


----- Original Message -----
From: "BinkyDeville" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 8:20 PM
Subject: How do I HOTLINK an image? (NOT hyperlink.)

I want to be able to paste an image off my website into a webdocument in

I want this image to be hotlinked to the picture in my website so it shows
up when I put the html from viewsource into my website.

Trouble is - I can't work out how to do this. Can anyone help me please?

I can edit the html source afterwards to put in the link but the document
saves as a seperate file and it *still* saves the filename for the picture
one on my harddrive.

Sorry if this message isn't too clear but I'm going crosseyed trying to
figure this out.

Cheers. Binky

The line below is to display a thumbnail with a link to a larger image
and/or URL

<a href=""><img
src="" alt="">My picture text</a>

Should you desire just displaying an image:
<img src="">


That reply was really helpful so thank you. :)

But is there a way to edit this in the webpage view instead of the source

Thanks. Binky


----- Original Message -----
From: "Binky" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: How do I HOTLINK an image? (NOT hyperlink.)

That reply was really helpful so thank you. :)

But is there a way to edit this in the webpage view instead of the source

Thanks. Binky

Your very welcome.
I do not use Word to create web pages. Not even a WYSIWYG software.
For quite a while, I used MS Front Page (whose credibility has been damaged
by the option in Word of creating web pages,) however, even when using FP,
it was used in a very limited capability.
None of the "componets" were used, nor, was the "publish" option used.
Instead, it was used primarily as text editor.

As my webstites pages became more complicated and extensive, I abandoned FP
for a fancy text editor:
First Page 2000 (it's free)

I still however use FP in a more limited capacity than previously mentioned
on a few pages. As I update old pages their layout and design is changed to
newer and better methods.

MVP, Bob Buckland provided the below to another user recently.

In closing, there likley is a Word solution to what you desire.
It's merely a matter of finding somebody willing to spend the time tinkering
with Word created HTML pages options before you find the answer.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Buckland ?:)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: where can i find help for word web design

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Binky,

If you want to copy an image from your website
to the Word document then you can do it from
your browser (right click on the picture and choose copy,
then paste into Word). [Select the picture and use
Format=>Picture=>Layout=>In line with text, to see the
'link' in the Edit menu]

Or you can copy the URL from the picture and use
Insert=>Picture=>From File and paste the URL link there.

When you want to link, but not hyperlink to the the
picture Word is using the {IncludePicture} field
(Insert=>Field) rather than a hyperlink, but you
can also hyperlink from a picture in a Word document.

You can also add the alt'"your text here" by selecting
the included picture in Word and then using Format=>Picture=>Web
although Word doesn't do a very good job of allowing the
web browser to access the alt text.

That reply was really helpful so thank you. :)

But is there a way to edit this in the webpage view instead of the source

Thanks. Binky >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained


Hi lostinspace and thanks again for your reply.

I hate clicking the button that says "no this post didn't answer the
question" because you are being so helpful. In fact you're probably
answering some of the questions I 'should' have asked. lol But you
seriously are helping. :)

I'll check out that software because I think I heard of it a long time ago
and never tried it. I used to write webpages in pure html because it gave me
good control over the look of my webpages and keep the layout how I wanted
it. But since I learnt all that jazz I got a neurological problem and slight
double vision so editing source code is beyond me these days. I'm pretty
much learning stuff from scratch again. lol

It'd probably help if I said what I was trying to do wouldn't it?

I make and sell cross stitch charts for sale over the web. For this I need
a webpage - literally a one page website is enough. On the page would be
some text and a few pictures showing the finished charts. And of course
buyitnow buttons for paypal (don't need a shopping cart, it's too complicated
for my customers apparently).

So - I know I have to fiddle around with html a little with my encoded
PayNow buttons. These needs to be pasted as a button/image into my webpage
so my customer can pay for their chart. Those are all the images I need.
Photos of the charts and BuyNow buttons with their own html for payment.

The reason I want to make my webpage in a WYSIWYG editor is because my eyes
go crosseyed when dealing with pure html and I want the simple webpage to
look nice. Then I need to upload the site to a free server (until I can
afford to buy some webspace).

But because of bandwidth limitations on free (and paid) webspace I need to
hotlink my images on my website to my imagehost which has unlimited
bandwidth. If I don't do this I will lose customers because my bandwidth
will run out and my site shut down too quickly every month.

Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon. Binky :)


I'll try this tonight and see how it goes. If I haven't tried this already
then I've done something pretty similar. Whatever it was I did only the
picture came up and it wasn't hotlinked into the html source. But I'll try
it following your instructions stepbystep and see what happens.

Thank you. Binky


----- Original Message -----
From: "Binky" <>
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: How do I HOTLINK an image? (NOT hyperlink.)

Hi lostinspace and thanks again for your reply.

I hate clicking the button that says "no this post didn't answer the
question" because you are being so helpful. In fact you're probably
answering some of the questions I 'should' have asked. lol But you
seriously are helping. :)

I'll check out that software because I think I heard of it a long time ago
and never tried it. I used to write webpages in pure html because it gave
good control over the look of my webpages and keep the layout how I wanted
it. But since I learnt all that jazz I got a neurological problem and
double vision so editing source code is beyond me these days. I'm pretty
much learning stuff from scratch again. lol

It'd probably help if I said what I was trying to do wouldn't it?

I make and sell cross stitch charts for sale over the web. For this I
a webpage - literally a one page website is enough. On the page would be
some text and a few pictures showing the finished charts. And of course
buyitnow buttons for paypal (don't need a shopping cart, it's too
for my customers apparently).

So - I know I have to fiddle around with html a little with my encoded
PayNow buttons. These needs to be pasted as a button/image into my
so my customer can pay for their chart. Those are all the images I need.
Photos of the charts and BuyNow buttons with their own html for payment.

The reason I want to make my webpage in a WYSIWYG editor is because my
go crosseyed when dealing with pure html and I want the simple webpage to
look nice. Then I need to upload the site to a free server (until I can
afford to buy some webspace).

But because of bandwidth limitations on free (and paid) webspace I need to
hotlink my images on my website to my imagehost which has unlimited
bandwidth. If I don't do this I will lose customers because my bandwidth
will run out and my site shut down too quickly every month.

Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon. Binky :)

The FREE FrontPage Express (WYSIWYG) will work better than Word for creating
web pages.
There are some prcoedures required for installtion to Win98 or newer.
You also MUST NOT use the componets options.

It will generate some none valid html and bloat, however nothing in

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