How do I give permissions to subfolders recursively



I have a functional account that has hundreds of subfolders. When I want to
give a delegate permissions to the account and all of its subfolders I have
to right click each folder individually and assign the permissions. Since I
want the delegates to have to same access to everything in the account is
there a quick way to assign the permissions


I just wrote a post for the same problem. Has anyone found out how to do
this yet?


Here is one answer I got that does work:

This is more of an Exchange 2003 management question, but I think you open
Active Directory Users and Computers and go to the user object in question
(e.g. boss). Right click and select properties. Go to the Exchange
Advanced tab and select Mailbox Rights. Add the name of the assistant and
give them Full Mailbox Access. OK out and wait about 2 hours (yes it can
take this long for the right change to take effect.)

Go to the assistant and see if you can add the boss's mailbox to the
profile. If that works, then try sending a test message where the from line
on the message contains the boss's name. This should net you what you are
looking for (no "sent on behalf").

It is not exactly the same as granting delegate permissions, but more like
allowing the assistant to open the bosses account. I have it set up now so
that when the assistant opens Outlook she is prompted as to which account she
want to open, hers or the boss's. Hope this helps.


Same situation as Stef.... user has dozens of subfolders that need to be
shared. As for "ice the wrist", you ain't kiddin! I have rotator cuff
tendanitis., and arthritis in my fingers! There's GOT to be a way to change
permissions on multiple folders at once. And giving full mailbox permissions
isn't acceptible!

Anyone? Anyone?



I came across this thread looking for an answer to the same problem. I have
a workaround but I'm still looking for something better.

This is what we do now:
Export the sub-folders to a PST
Delete the sub-folders
Change permissions on the parent folder
Import the sub-folders back into the mailbox

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