How do I get the agenda to show on each slide?



I've seen some presentations that have the agenda or table of contents on the
side of the slide and it shows where you are in the presentation and what
else is coming up next. It highlights what topic you are on.

Any idea how I can do this?


You can add the agenda or table of contents in the Slide Master (View >
Master > Slide Master). By doing so, you will be able to see the agenda in
all the slides.

As for the highlighting, close Master View first. You can then manually add
an Autoshape (Right click on the autoshape and click format autoshape. Set
the transparency to 50%) on top of the agenda. Copy and paste the autoshape
to every slides.

Does that help?
Site Updated: October 30, 2005
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Yeah that works, but any idea how I can get the highlighting to transfer
smoothly from topic to topic? I'm really trying to impress some people here ;)


Yeah, I have the same question, and I know there must be another way to do it
because I've seen a presentation that had the agenda/outline text change
color as the presentation progressed, not just an autoshape block fading in.
So unless he was somehow really clever with the autoshapes, it looks like
there would be another option. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to ask
the speaker how he did it ...

Echo S

In this case, the agenda would be set up on the individual slides instead of
the masters, and an Emphasis color change (my guess) was applied as an
animation effect to the appropriate text on the appropriate slide.

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